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Showing posts from March, 2013

Local shops: good at selling problem categories!

In today's FT John Gapper reviews the setbacks to David Cameron's attempts to curb binge drinking and Michael Bloomberg's attempts to curb obesity, with his ban on large servings of soft drinks being overturned by the courts. Mr Gapper argues that governments should adopt the lightest measures possible to address such social ills and draws the comparison with tobacco, where rumours are swirling that Mr Cameron may be planning to introduce plain packaging. Convenience stores are in the uncomfortable position of selling all three products, mostly responsibly. They account for a big proportion of sales and are important profit centres. Society (and politicians) also fail to see the great benefit of a responsible local supply chain. For c-stores in poorer communities the threat of political action is much greater and Mr Gapper addresses this. What he does not address is where poor shoppers will go to buy their alcohol, sugary drinks and tobacco when the politicians impos...